Pin collection


COTA - SOTA etc.


Hartwig Kauschat
Thuerachstrasse 26a
79189 Bad Krozingen


My collection of ham-related pins - page 1/3
Page 1 - Clubs (countries 1A - HZ)

Page 2 - Clubs (countries I - ZS)

Page 3 - Special events etc.

Beginning of 2008 I decided to start collecting ham-related pins. That's the reason why the collection is quite small - see it postive: it is still expandable!

Thanks to: 3A2MW, 7X2RO, 9H1ZZ, 9H5AS, DJ5BK/HS6SSE, DJ6QT (sk), DJ6XV, DJ7EC, DJ9ZB, DL1GTG, DL1GWO, DL3GAI, DL3ZI, DL5GB, DL8DXL, DM3XI, EA1AX, GM4XMC, HA5BUJ, HB9CWA, HB9LDU, HK3W, IN3VST, K4JC, KC8RP, LU2AH, LZ3FN, N1PW. N6JRL, OK1MIQ, PDØMP, TA1HZ, TA2RX, UT2AB, WØAIH, WØMM, W1WMG, W4TUN, W8JRK (10 pins, 21 buttons ....), YV8AD, ARRAM, IRTS, RSGB, SARA, URE, Mari (OA), Tibor (HA) and others for their kind support

I would be pleased to exchange double ones against missing ones. If you are interested in an exchange, please drop me an e-mail.


          IARU                     IARU                75 yrs. IARU        IARU Region 2


        AMSAT                    FOC                   QCWA (gold)                OOTC

       3A - ARM


     4X - IARC              4X - IARC               4X - IARC             4X - IARC

       5B - CARS

      5Z - ARSK

        7X - ARA


      9H - MARL         9H - MARL small

     A7 - QARS


      BY - CRAC             BY - CRSA

    CN - ARRAM

       CO - FRC

       CT - REP


DL - DARC 20mm    DL - DARC 22mm     DL - DARC 12mm


DL - DARC Pro Membership - 2013 / 2014 / 2015


            DL - DARC membership 25 / 40 / 50 years


DL - DARC membership 60 / 70 years


      DL - DARC              DL - DARC             DL - DARC

    membership 25/50 years DL9DF      50 years DJ3HJ

      DL - DARC

Badge of honour distr. F


      DL - VFDB           DL - REF-FFA             DL - DFV               DL - HSC


      DL - AGAF             DL - ADDX         DL - AMSAT-DL        DL - DL-YL


 DL - Marinefunker       DL - DIG               DL - DARC

  (ex) maritime op's                                  Emergency Radio        

    E7 - ARABiH


       EA - URE                 EA - URE         EA-URE tie needle  EA-URC (Catalunia)


      EI - IRTS               EI - IRTS


        F - REF                  F - REF          Clipperton DX Club          F - UFT


      G - RSGB           G-Chelmsford ARS


    HA - MHSZ           HA - MRASZ          HA - MRASZ          HA - MRASZ


      HBØ - AFVL



HK - LCRA 75 yrs



      HL - KARL               HL - KARL              HL - KARL       HL - KARL (IARU '88)


      HS - RAST




DL9DF Walter Pfister - first president of Freiburg DARC chapter AØ5 (1949)


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