Contest ( DK0QQ )

DK0QQ/p is the Callsign of the Contest Crew of Rheine ( OV N16 ) operating from JO32OH, JO32QI or JO32RG.

DK0QQ/p is QRV in the major contests on HF,VHF and occasional UHF.

Our operators:

DB3BW Hans-Jürgen

DF2QY Tilman

DG1YBO Michael

DG8YHH Alfons

DG9YIH Helmut

DJ1YFK Fabian

DK1YBT Tobias

DK2YCT Chris

DL1YHL Ludger

DL4YDR Markus

DO1YHJ Heinz-Jürgen

and more...

Here some pictures of our activities.

Fab, DJ1YFK, during the CW Fieldday ´04

Helmut, DG9YIH, the VHF DX Machine ;-)

Ludger, DL1YHL, during the IOTA Contest ´04

Our OP´s in Berlin


That´s Contest, too...
