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YU150FU QSL card

My shack & antennas in Elemir village KN05dk

My name is Nenad Tucakov - Nesa HAM since 1983, using YU7MJA, YU7FU, YU150FU and YU2M callsigns

Qsl info:

Nenad Tucakov

Mose Pijade 118

26000 Pancevo





cooking at 4O1A Zoki YU1EW

YT0A contesting

On left photo, you can see me cooking on YT0A ( YU1EXY ) contest location, using dish, so called TALANDARA. Mmmm, meat was very, very delicious. Picture on the right side showing president and team leader of RC Mihajlo Pupin YU1EXY / YT0A / - Zoki YU1EW. On bottom photos, I took a part of the contest team in ARRL DX Contest CW 2007 (4O1A), and you can see YU1EXY ( YT0A / 4O1A ) antenna farm in Borca village.

doing 80m band . YU1EXY antenna farm

Being usually engaged on 144 and 50 Mhz, a lot of YU HAMs thought that I am good VHF operator, but bad on HF. Some results I made in HF contests, showed that I am solid both on low and high bands. Suddenly, I took a place in couple of multi teams, as I am deserving.

YT6A contesting

YT6A ( now 4O3A ) high-tech location, on the Obosnik hilltop, Montenegro, is very nice for contesting indeed. At CQ WW DX contest -CW 2005. Ranko invited MM team to achieve YU record. Unfortunately, very bad lightnings, rain and strong wind made our score lower, than we expected. Operators were YT6A, YT6T, YT6Y, 4N1SM, YT1NT, YT1NP, YT7AW, YZ1EW, YU1AO, YU1KX, YZ7DX, S59W and YU7FU.

Before contest, we were making a plan in the living room. On the second photo is Ranko YT6A with 4N1SM. On the third is antenna farm on the hilltop. Another shows 2 el. for 40m and 6 el. 10m yagis on location Gornji Klinci, below top of the hill, where YU1AO and me had engaged ourselves during the contest. Down right is my picture, running on 10m band.

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