- Senegal & Guinea Bissau -  Mar 3rd - 23rd, 2007

  6W/DM2AYO - 6W/DL6CT - 6W/DL7CM  




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J5 - licence



There is  a permanent operation from 6W and a temporarily activity frm J5

6W - QTH


For more info about Senegal and Guinea Bissau:

http://www.lesenegaulois.com/homee.htm                             <== This is the QTH in 6W

http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/SGXX0006_c.html        <== This shall be our present weather

Weather about the year: 

Dakar Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mai Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dez.
Air ºC (day): 25 25 25 26 29 29 29 29 30 30 29 27
Air ºC (night): 18 17 17 18 23 25 26 26 26 25 23 20
Water ºC: 20 20 20 21 22 26 27 27 27 26 27 24
Sun houres / day: 8 8 10 10 9 7 8 7 8 8 9 8
Raindays / month: 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 15 13 4 1 0

Our QTH Cap Skiring is located about 250 km south of Dakar. There it is much warmer over the day.

DXpedition Infos

Latest News: 

01.03.2007  We are ready for take off. All is fine. We have a lot of antennas and 2x PA with each 800W in the baggage. Tomorrow morning we will leave the home land...

26.03.2007  We are back in a good health, just one antenna sack is teared up.

25.04.2007  QSL's came from the printer. We start to replay the letters... 

04.05.2007 all "directs" are on it's way back

24.07.2007 Rcvd email frm Osten, SM5DQC, if there are difficulties with J5-doc's for ARRL. Now I read the same in "The Daily DX".
I never received a request from ARRL for any doc's. Anyway, immediately I have send an email to NC1L, Bill. 
There are my J5-licence here on this side and there are a lot of pictures from this DXpedition (look menue). If anyone like to get more - also the ARRL, he can write me. I will try my best.

02.08.2007 Bill Moore: operation is ok for DXCC-credit


Callsigns  6W/DM2AYO   6W/DL6CT   6W/DL7CM
Date of operation  March 3rd - March 23rd, 2007
QTH   Hotel "Le Senegauloise" in Cap Skirring   Locator:  IK12pi
Operators  Sid - DM2AYO    Mel - DL6CT     Hans - DL7CM
Bands and modes  160 mtrs to 6 mtrs, CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK
Equipment  IC706 with amp,    ant: for lowbands: GP (27mtrs);   for high:  5 band 2el yagi     6m: 4el Yagi
Sun  Sun rise:  07:21 local     Sun set:  19:14 local     local time = GMT
QSL  via  home call

Callsigns  J5UAR
Date of operation  temporarily between (earlieast) March 4th - (max) March 22nd, 2007
QTH   Camp at Cabo Roxo, just behind the border   Locator:  also IK12pi
Operators  Hans - DL7CM ,  Mel - DL6CT
Bands and modes 160 mtrs to10 mtrs,  CW, SSB (We didn't work in RTTY/PSK, that will be done by J5UAP)
Equipment  IC706 with amp,    ant: div. GP,  generator powered  
Sun  Sun rise:  07:21 local     Sun set:  19:14 local     local time = GMT
QSL  via  DL7CM


QSL - Info:  DL7CM
Hans-Rainer Uebel
Hartmannsdorfer Chaussee 3
15528 Spreenhagen
QSL - Info:  DM2AYO
Siegfried Blechschmidt
Brassenpfad 66
12557 Berlin - Köpenick
QSL - Info:  DL6CT
Manuel Kinschus
Seestr. 11
15848 Herzberg



1We will answer all QSL's on same way we get in. 
      exception: - if we get requests by email or if there is no spreankle of value for resend, we will sent qsl via bureau
2We prefer direct, but a smakker for enough value     
     A letter outside of Europe costs 1,70 Euro. That means  2  green stamps!!     Thank you.

3.. Do not use stamped envelopes (SASE) or IBRS. 
       Pse only SAE. ( f.i. 1 IRC plus 1 green stamp will help to cover a little part of the costs)

4.   We don't need 15 cards for 15 qso's. Use a simple paper for all. Save your qsl's.

5.   Don't use old IRC's

6.   ... and don't forget to search your log for our home callsigns (DL7CM, DM2AYO, DL6CT) too.

 Thank you



For a logsearch click on one of the lines:

here for J5UAR, 6W/DL7CM, 6W/DL6CT, 6W/DM2AYO

here for other DXpeditions from DL7CM



for licening and other hints


  power amplifiers


for logsearch

Special thanks for support (QSL) go to: